兆興化學用品有限公司成立於1974年,由原材料供應商,發展成為全港最大的商業清潔用品供應商。兆興一直本著為全港清潔服務的精神,不斷發展各種清潔產品和引入全球知名的清潔器械。在這50年間,兆興成立了鄧氏化工生產專業清潔化學用品,並於過去20年成為香港特別行政區政府唯一的地板蠟水供應商,每年供應量多達20,000加侖。此外,兆興亦為3M的香港代理商,並且是英國清潔用品無敵牌Numatic和德國玻璃專業清潔用具Unger於香港、中國和澳門的總代理。兆興以香港為家,為配合本地清潔業的發展,於2015年成立了自家品牌Power Clean,並擁有自家專業維修團隊,以確保客戶能獲得到最快捷貼身的售後服務。
About us
Sui Hing Chemical Supplies Co., Ltd., established in 1974, has grown from a raw material supplier to Hong Kong’s largest commercial cleaning supplies provider. Committed to serving the local market, the company has developed various cleaning products and introduced renowned equipment. Over 50 years, Sui Hing established Tang’s Corporation for professional cleaning chemicals and has been the Hong Kong SAR Government’s sole floor finish supplier for 20 years, providing up to 20,000 gallons annually. Sui Hing is also the Hong Kong agent for 3M and the general agent for Numatic and Unger in Hong Kong, China, and Macau. In 2015, it launched the brand Power Clean and created a professional maintenance team to ensure personalized after-sales service.
產品及服務 Products & Services
兆興化學用品有限公司是英國清潔用品無敵牌Numatic和德國玻璃專業清潔用具Unger於香港、中國和澳門的總代理。為配合本地清潔業的發展,於2015年成立了自家品牌Power Clean,並擁有自家專業維修團隊,以確保客戶能獲得到最快捷貼身的售後服務。
聯絡我們 Contact us
Sui Hing has always considered Hong Kong its home. With the aim of providing high-quality, professional products and personalized after-sales service at reasonable prices, the company is dedicated to enhancing the daily efficiency of cleaning professionals. Sui Hing strives to serve the cleaning industry in Hong Kong, working alongside over 100,000 industry professionals to contribute to commercial cleaning in the region.